今天分享的绘本是汪培珽书单强力推荐、深受美国孩子喜爱的——《糊涂女佣 Amelia Bed...
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图书简介 儿童英文原本绘本 Where Is the Green Sheep这是一个关于许多不同的羊...
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图书简介 Of course they do -- just like me and you! From baby kangaroos, c...
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图书简介: Join the adorable little mouse and her friends in this new boar...
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有了这本剑桥词汇游戏练习册,孩子的词汇量迅速突飞猛进!Vocabulary Games and Activities
有了这本剑桥词汇游戏练习册,孩子的词汇量迅速突飞猛进!Vocabulary Games and Activities
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